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Section: Leagues


Posted by:  CPRSSP
Dated: Wed 17th September 2014 2.53PM

Rules for Leagues



1 Fixtures

2 Postponements

3 Results

4 League positions

5 Code of conduct

6 Officiating

7 Health and Safety

8. Football rules

9. Netball rules

1. Fixtures

(a) fixtures will be sent out at the beginning of the season by the appropriate league secretary

(b) each round of fixtures will be given a schedule in which to be played. This schedule with a recommended ‘deadline’ will be used as a guide for when matches should be played

(c) all fixtures will be arranged through the designated staff contact at the school

(e) if, after repeated attempts to arrange a game, the match is not completed, no points will be awarded to either team unless both teams agree who was responsible for the failure to play the fixture. The secretary must be advised in writing prior to the end of the season.

2. Postponements

This applies to postponements within 48 hours of the arranged fixture

Postponements will only be allowed if:

* the member of staff running the fixture is absent from school;

* the playing surface is deemed unsuitable.

A decision is to be made by 12:30 on the day of the match in the case of inclement weather. The away team will be contacted as soon as possible.

It is expected that the fixture will be rearranged as soon as possible after the postponed date.

If a game is postponed for any other reason, the team responsible for the cancellation will forfeit the points.




3. Results

All results will be sent by both teams within 48 hours of the match being played. This can be done by phone, post, fax or e-mail.

4. League Positions

(a) points awarded for results will be agreed by the respective competitions

(b) at the end of the season, a final league table will be produced. If two or more teams are tied for first place, the trophy will be shared. Goal/points difference will not be used to separate the teams.

(c) all matches will be completed by the end of the spring term. No games played after that date will contribute to the final league positions. They will be treated as friendly games.

5. Code of conduct

All schools entering SEEPSSA competitions must adhere to the Association code of conduct.

6. Officiating

Football: responsibility of the home school to supply a suitable referee.

Netball: responsibility of both schools to supply a suitable umpire.

Unless otherwise specified, it is the responsibility for the home school to supply the officials with agreement from the away school.

7. Health and Safety

(a) a  Risk Assessment form for sporting fixtures should be completed before each match.

As a recommendation, teams should be accompanied to all fixtures by a designated employee of the school.

 8. Football rules

(a)   Players must use a size 4 football.

(b)   Matches will be 25 mins each way.

(c)   Players must wear shin guards and follow English School FA regulations for under 11s

9. Netball rules

       (a) Players must use a size 4 ball

      (b)  Players must have short nails.

      (c) Teams must have a minimum of 7 players and a maximum of 9 players.

     (d)   No more than 2 boys may be on the court at any time.

     (e)  All players must follower the correct position rotations.  These are available on  Select Home – my game – high 5.



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